Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/583

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For Coal, Cannel Coal, Stone, Slate, Flags, Timber or other Goods Wares or Merchandize, carried upon the Canal or Branches above Sankey Bridges 10d per Ton.
For every Description of Goods conveyed upon the Navigation below Sankey Bridges (except such Goods, Wares, &c. as shall be carried upon the said Navigation, and be laden or unladen from or upon any Quay or Wharf in the Rivers Mersey and lrwell above Sankey Brook Mouth, without entering into the said Canal now made or intended to be made) an additional Sum of 2d ditto.


Lime-stone, Paving-stones, Gravel, Sand and all other Materials for making or repairing of Roads, Quays and Wharfs, to or upon the Sankey Brook Navigation, and for the private use of the Persons whose Lands shall be cut or made use of for the same; Soapers' Waste, Dung and all Sorts of Manure is also exempted.

As the Land through which the proposed Extension is to be made is the Property of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart. he or his Heirs are permitted to convey any Description of Goods, being his or their own Property or that of his Tenants in Cuerdley, and being bona fide the produce of his or their Lands, free of Tolls; and also any Timber, Stone, Bricks or Slates, or other Materials intended to be used for any Building upon any Part of the above Estate in Cuerdley, or for draining the same.

For the better ascertaining the Tonnage of Coal, &c. Sixty-three Feet of Coal, Cannel Coal, Charcoal, Coke and Cinders; Fifty Cubical Feet of Fir, Poplar, Alder Wood, Withy or Willow; and Forty Cubical Feet of Oak, Ash, or other Timber shall be deemed a Ton.

Fractions to be taken as for a Quarter of a Ton.

No Vessels of less Burthen than Thirty-live Tons (except Pleasure Boats) to be permitted to pass a Lock without leave, unless a Tonnage to that Amount is paid.

Lords of manors or owners of land may erect wharfs; but if they refuse, the company may do it, and charge the following


For Coal, Stone, Lime, Sand or Brick, which shall be loaded from or landed upon any of the Wharfs, Quays or Warehouses, which shall lie more than Six Hours ½d per Ton.
For other Goods, Wares or Merchandize 3d ditto.

For the use of Sir Richard Brooke, Bart. or his tenants in Cuerdley, the company are required to construct three wharfs or landing places, together with a small basin capable of receiving a vessel of eighteen tons burthen.

This act restrains the company from any interference with the rights of the King's Most Excellent Majesty, as regards his Crown or his Duchy of Lancaster; the Mersey and Irwell Company; the Corporation of Liverpool and Trustees of Liverpool Docks; the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company; and the Owners, Proprietors or Farmers of Sankey Quays.

Mr. John Eyes, of Liverpool, was the original engineer to the undertaking. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway crosses this canal by a stupendous viaduct about a mile from Newton, at the height of 70 feet above the surface water.