Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/585

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'the Paths of the River Severn.' In 1772 an act was passed 'for making and keeping in Repair a Road or Passage for Horses on the Banks of the River Severn, between Bewdley Bridge and a Place called the Meadow Wharf, at Coalbrook Dale, for haling and drawing Vessels along the said River.' By this act a number of persons were appointed trustees for carrying into effect the provisions of the act, and were empowered to take the following


For every Horse passing on the Road, drawing a Barge, Wherry, Boat or other Vessel on the Severn, between the Bridge at Bewdley and the Bridge at Bridgenorth 7s.
For every Horse drawing any Vessel between the Bridge at Bridgenorth and Meadow Wharf at Coalbrook Dale 5s.

Horses drawing Vessels laden with Corn in the Straw, Muck or Lime for Manure, are exempted from all Tolls; as also are Horses which return within Twelve Hours after the Time they have been employed, and for which Tolls have been paid.

The act passed in 1799 states that the trustees had not complied with the provisions of the act of 1772, touching the repairs of the towing-path, in consequence of which that act was nullified; but the act of 1799 revives the powers contained in the act of 1772, notwithstanding the commissioners had not held meetings conformably to the directions of such act.

In 1803 an act of parliament was obtained by a company of persons who were thereby incorporated by the name of "The Company of Proprietors of the River Severn Horse Towing Path Extension," which was entitled, 'An Act for extending and making the Horse Towing Path or Road, on the Banks of the River Severn,from Bewdley Bridge, in the county of Worcester, to the Deep Water at Diglis, below the city of Worcester.' By which act the company was empowered to raise amongst themselves, for the purposes of this undertaking, the sum of £5,000, in one hundred shares of £50 each; and, if necessary, a further sum of £6,000, either amongst themselves, or by creation of new shares; and they are authorized to take the following


For every Horse or other Beast, passing on any Part of the Towing-path and drawing any Boat, Barge or other Vessel on the River 6d per Mile.
For any less Distance than a Mile 6d.

Vessels haled by Men pay no Toll.