Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/608

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For Lime-stone ½d per Ton, per Mile.
For all other Sorts of Stone, Iron-stone, Flags, Paving-stone, Slate, Iron, Pig-iron, Bar-iron, Old-iron, Cast Metal, Bricks and Tiles 1d ditto. ditto.
For all Wheat, Shelling, Beans, Peas, Vetches and Lentils; Rape, Line, Cole, and Mustard Seed; Apples, Pears, Onions and Potatoes; Eight Winchester Bushels to the Quarter, for the whole Length of the Canal 4d per Quarter.
For Barley, ditto 3d ditto.
For all Malt or Oats, ditto 2d ditto.
For all Groceries, and all Kinds of Linen and Woollen Yarn, Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Manufactured Goods of all Sorts, with every other Kind of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, not before enumerated 1½d per Ton, per Mile.
For every Boat and Vessel that shall enter the Canal near Stainforth Lock, and turn down the Collateral Cut from Thorne Common to the River Dun at Hangman Hill, or shall navigate from Hangman Hill on the Canal to the River Dun Cut at Stainforth, on all Goods before enumerated 6d ditto.

Fractions of a Mile to be taken as a Mile, and of a Ton as the Quarters therein.


All Kinds of Dung or other Manure (except Lime) that shall be produced in any Township or Parish through which the Canal passes, and to be carried to some other Township or Parish through which also the Canal passes.

The proprietors may likewise demand the following


For all Goods,Wares and Merchandise (except Corn, Coals, Stone, Lime, Lime-stone, Flint, Clay, English Timber, Bricks, Tiles, Plaster, Soapers' Waste or Ashes and Sandfall, which will not require a Crane, and may be loaded and delivered by the Crew of the Boat or Vessel) 6d per Ton.


The Column marked thus (*) are the Rates to be taken for above Twenty-four Hours and not more than Six Days.

The Column marked thus (+) for Six Days but less than One Month.

The Column marked thus (±) for One Month but less than Six Weeks.

The Column marked thus (§) for Six Weeks but less than Two Months.

The Column marked thus (II) for Two Months but less than Ten Weeks.

s. d.
s. d.
s. d.
s. d.
s. d.
For all Goods, Wares and Merchandise (except) such as are excepted in the Cranage and Porterage Rates) per Ton 0 6 0 9 1 0 1 3 1 6
For all English Timber of all Kinds, and Pig and Bar-iron, per Ton 0 3 0 6 0 9 1 0 1 3
For all Coals, Stone, Iron-stone, Lime-stone, Flint, Clay and Sand, per Ton 0 ½ 0 1 0 1½ 0 2 0 2½
For all Lime, Bricks, Tiles, Plaster and Soapers' Ashes, per Ton 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5
For all Corn of all Kinds, Cole, Rape, Line and Mustard Seeds; Apples, Pears, Onions and Potatoes, per Quarter 0 ½ 0 1 0 1½ 0 2 0 2½