Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/61

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Avon River

takes a southerly direction, passing Breedon, a little before which, it becomes the boundary between Gloucester and Worcester, and continues to be so to the town of Tewkesbury, where it falls into the River Severn, being in distance, from Eckington Bridge, seven miles and three quarters, and the total distance from Stratford-upon-Avon to the Severn is forty-three miles and three-eighths.

In the preamble of the first act relating to this river, we learn that, for a considerable time previous, it had been navigated, from Stratford, to its junction with the Severn; but that in consequence of frequent disputes between the proprietors of the navigation, and those using the navigation, it became necessary to apply to parliament for an act which should determine the amount of rates and duties to be paid.

The following rates have been paid ever since the river became navigable, and are still received, in addition to the rates which the proprietors of the navigation are empowered to collect, under the powers of the 24th George II.


For every Barge passing through Tewkesbury Sluice, or Lock, into the Severn 6
For every Boat, ditto. ditto, ditto 3
For every Boat, (except Pleasure Boats), passing through Evesham Sluice 6
For every Boat, Barge, or Vessel, passing up or down the said River—for the setting and drawing of every Wear, and at every Wear upon the said River 6

The following act, 24th George II. cap. 39, 22nd May, 1751, entitled, 'An Act for the better regulating the Navigation of the River Avon, running through the counties of Warwick, Worcester,and Gloucester, and for ascertaining the Rates of Water Carriage upon the said River,' empowers the proprietors of the navigation to demand the following rates of tonnage:—


Wine, Cider, or Merchants' Goods, of every kind Rateage per Ton, in Column marked (*)
Wheat, Barley, Malt, Beans, Peas, Oats, Maslin, Linseed, Cutlings, Clover, Meal and Flour per Wey, ditto. marked (†)
Cast, or Pig Iron, Brick, Stone, Lime, Coopers', Carpenters', Wheelwrights', and other Timber, Boards and Firewood per Ton, ditto. marked (‡)
Coal, of every Kind ditto. ditto. marked (§)
Bar Iron, Lead, Polished Stone, and all other Things, not particularly specified ditto, ditto. marked (II)