Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/682

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52 George III. Cap. 70, Royal Assent 5th May, 1812.

THE act of parliament under sanction of which it was proposed to carry this work into execution, is entitled,' An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from the River Medway, near Brandbridges, in the parish of East Peckham, in the county of Kent, to extend to, and unite with, the Royal Military Canal, in the parish of Appledore, in the said county; and also certain navigable Branches and Railways from the said intended Canal.' It incorporates the subscribers by the name of "The Company of Proprietors of the Weald of Kent Canal," and empowers them to raise amongst themselves, for the purposes of the act, the sum of £320,000, in shares of £100 each, of which sum, £305,800 is to be raised before the work is commenced, and three years is given to them to get this amount of subscription, which nmust be proved to have been done at the general quarter sessions. The company may raise a further sum of £160,000, if necessary, either amongst themselves, by creation of new shares, or by mortgage of the rates, and also take the following


For all Chalk, Lime, Marl, Dung, Compost or Manure, which shall pass any Lock 1½d per Ton, per Mile.
If not passing through a Lock 1d ditto. ditto.
For all Coal, Culm and Coke 2d ditto. ditto.
For all Sea Beach or Shingle 1d ditto. ditto.
For all Timber and all other Goods, Wares and Merchandise, passing through any Lock 3d ditto. ditto.
If not passing through a Lock 2d ditto. ditto.

And in proportion for any greater or less Quantity or Distance; but Fractions of a Quarter in both cases to be taken as a Quarter.

The company are also authorized to take the following tolls for passing on the towing-path.


For every Horse, Mule or Ass (not drawing a Vessel) passing through any Toll Gate 1d each.
For every Drove of Oxen or Neat Cattle 10d per Score.
For every Drove of Swine, Sheep or Lambs 5d ditto.

Vessels in Ballast only or light, to pay Three-pence per Ton per Mile; and all Vessels entering any Basins or Harbours, to pay Three-pence per Ton if they have not passed Ten Miles on the Canal.