Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/696

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For all Dung, Ashes, Chalk, Marl, Lime and Lime-stone, intended for Manure, and all Manure 0s 2d per Ton, per Mile.
For all Chalk, Marl, Lime and Lime-stone and all other Goods and Merchandize 0s 4d ditto. ditto.
For all Vessels with not more than Six Tons of Manure, or Four Tons of any other lading, passing through any Locks 1s 0d.
For all Passengers in Vessels 0s 2d per Mile each.
For every Package not exceeding Two Hundred Weight 0s 1d per Mile.

Fractions of a Ton to pay as the Quarters therein, and of a Quarter as a Quarter;

Fractions of a Mile as Half a Mile.

Lords of manors and owners of land on the line may erect wharfs, and on their refusing, the company may erect them and take the following


For all Coal, Culm, Lime-stone, Clay, Iron, Iron-stone, Lead-ore or any other Ores, Timber, Stones, Bricks, Tiles, Slates, Gravel, Hay, Straw, Corn in the Straw or Manure, not remaining above Twenty-eight Days 3d per Ton.
For all other Goods, Wares and Merchandize, not exceeding Ten Days 2d ditto.
For every Day exceeding the above Times, on any Description of Goods whatever 1d ditto.

The Tolls on the Arun Navigation on Goods passing from Arundel Port through this Canal into the River Wey, to be reduced to One Shilling per Ton.

Ten years are allowed for completing this canal; which, with its towing-path, &c. is to be twenty yards in breadth.

This canal, by connecting the Arun Navigation with the River Wey, which communicates with the Thames, affords an inland line of navigation from London to the sea at Arundel Harbour; and by the execution of the Portsmouth and Arundel Canal, a connection will be opened by the same line to Portsmouth. The benefits to the country through which it passes, and to the great depot at Portsmouth, are so obvious as to require no further remark.


11 George IV. Cap. 56, Royal Assent 29th May, 1830.

THIS railway commences at Wallgate-Street, in the town of Wigan, and pursues a southwardly course across Chapel Lane, the River Douglas, and over the Leeds and Liverpool Canal at the lock No. 21, and thence across the Leigh Branch of the said canal at Dobb's Bridge; thence by Bamforlong, Golborne Smithy, Golborne Park, to its termination at the Liverpool and Man-