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In the name of God, the Kind and the Merciful!

Worlds of praise are due unto the palace of that World Creator, who adorning this world by means of His hand of perfect power with the ornament of existence, has unfurled the Standard of Creatorship, and worlds of panegyric befit the shrine of that Supreme Author who has drawn by means of his brush of perfect art the portrait of Life in particoloured lines on the pages of Creation. He (God) is that Wise Sage, who has entrusted the affairs of the management of the world and the people of the world and the good and the right guidance of all classes to the persons of Sovereigns, and who has entrusted into the hands of authority of Sovereigns of this world, the reins of the opening and stoppage of the business of divers classes of mankind. He (God) is that Supreme Ruler of the Universe who, weighing the opening and stoppage of the affairs of mankind and the good and bad of Centre-Sitters in the circle of earth, in the scale of expediency of the world, has left in every clime and every country a ruler.

From the Cloud of His bounty, the garden of the world is green.
From the zephyr of His generosity, the orchard of the soil is green.
From the Colouring of the painter of His Creation,
Emerald becomes green in the centre of mine.
Praise unto Lord, High is His rank and His praise.
Universal is His bounty and generosity,
All praise is due unto His Beneficence!

And blessings full of white effulgence and sacred benedictions are due unto all the messengers of the Palace of His bounty, that