Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/139

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At a regular meeting of the Adelphia Club, held April 12, 1921, the president and the secretary being present, the minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved. The treasurer reported $15 received and $10 expended since the last report: the balance in the treasury is $75.30. The reports of the committees on ———— and ———— were received and ordered placed on file. The committee on ———— reported a resolution which after discussion and amendment was adopted as follows: "Resolved, That. . . ." At 9 P. M. the society adjourned.

M———— M———— A————,

The secretary should never allow the minutes to express his opinion, complimentary or otherwise. The minutes are a record of action taken by the society, and the secretary's duty is solely that of recording its action. Ordinarily the minutes of each meeting are read at the opening of the next meeting. If there is more than one meeting in the day the minutes are read only at the first meeting. In organizations meeting less frequently than quarterly, the minutes of the last day's meeting are read just previous to final adjournment of the session. When read, the chair asks, "Are there any corrections to the minutes?" If any corrections are proposed the procedure is as described on page 130.

When the minutes are approved the word "Approved" with the initials of the secretary should be written below them, or on the margin. If they are not habitually approved at the next meeting, then