Page:Robert's Rules of Order - 1915.djvu/31

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Art. I. How Business Is Conducted in Deliberative Assemblies.

PAGE 1. Introduction of Business 25

2. What Precedes Debate 26

3. Obtaining the Floor 27

4. Motions and Resolutions 33

5. Seconding Motions 36

6. Stating the Question 38

7. Debate 38

8. Secondary Motions 40

9. Putting the Question and Announcing the Vote 40

10. Proper Motions to Use to Accomplish Certain Objects 43

1. Introduction of Business. An assem- bly having been organized as described in 69, 70, 71, business is brought before it either by the motion of a member, or by the presenta- tion of a communication to the assembly. It is not usual to make motions to receive reports of committees or communications to the as- sembly. There are many other cases in the ordinary routine of business where the formal- ity of a motion is dispensed with, but should