Page:Robert Barr - Lord Stranleigh Philanthropist.djvu/117

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by some constituency for the House of Commons, but I am told that it is impossible."

"Quite. A peer or a felon cannot enter the Commons."

"An imbecile also is prohibited," interpolated Corbitt, "so even if Stranleigh could shake off his peerage, he is still barred from the suffrages of his countrymen."

Stranleigh laughed good-naturedly at this jibe on the part of the manager, who had evidently forgotten the warning given by the venerable president.

"I daresay I shan't do very much," said Stranleigh, unperturbed. "I am too lazy. I'll try a few speeches, and when they stop me at that I'll contribute to the party funds."

"I've already told you that when the real speechifying begins you'll be compelled to turn off the tap of your eloquence. Mum's the word for a peer after the writs are issued. As to contributing, you need to be even more careful. The Corrupt Practices Act bristles with difficulties for an amateur philanthropist. Better consult a good solicitor, well versed in parliamentary law, before you exercise undue lavishness."

"Thanks, Corbitt, I will, and good-night to