Page:Robert Barr - Lord Stranleigh Philanthropist.djvu/324

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get over the disagreeable part of this at once. Did you give the money to Lieutenant Grunwald?"


"All of it?"

"Every penny."

"And he deserted you, after promising marriage?"

"Yes; and wrote me a brutal letter."

"I take it that he originated the plan for obtaining the money?"

"Yes; and arranged it so that I alone must bear the brunt. He can prove that he merely borrowed it from me, not knowing its source."

"He is a thorough-paced scoundrel!"

"I am now on my way to Vienna to give myself up to the police and make confession."

"You will do nothing of the sort."

"Why not?"

Because I forbid it. Furthermore, to show that you are not bereft of friends, I shall proceed direct from Vienna to Paris, seek out this man, challenge him, fight him, and kill him, if I can."

"Oh, no, no, no, no!" cried the girl, for the first time some animation coming into her voice.

"Why not?"

"Because—because I love him."

"You can't possibly love him now!" exclaimed Stranleigh, with indignation.