Page:Robert Burn's (sic) song-book.pdf/19

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O had she died o' crook or cauld,
As ewies die when they are auld,
It wad na been, by many fauld,
Sae sair a heart to nane o's a,
The ewie, &c.

For a' the claith that we hae worn,
Frae her and hers, sae aften shorn,
The loss o' her we cou'd hae born,
Had fair strae death taen her awa.
The ewie, &c.

But this poor thing to lose her life,
Aneath a greedy villian's knife,
I'm really fear'd that our gudewifə
Sall never win aboon't ava.
The ewie, &c.


Let us haste to Kelvin grove, bonny lassie, O,
Through its mazes let us rove, bonny lassie, O,
Where the rose in all its pride
Decks the hollow dingle's side,
Where the midnight fairies glide, bonny lassie, O

We will wander by the mill, bonny lassie, O,
Co the cove beside the rill, bonny lassie, O,
Where the glens rebound the call
Of the lofty waterfall,
Through the mountain's rocky hall, bonny lassie, O.

Then we'll up to yonder glade, bonny lassie, O,

Where so oft beneath its shade, bonny lassie, O,