Page:Robert William Cole - The Struggle for Empire; A Story of the Year 2236 (1900).djvu/28

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known. The methods of analysis and synthesis were also vastly extended by the application of the force Dynogen, and the result was that thousands of new chemical bodies possessing very remarkable and useful properties were prepared.

As soon as these remarkable discoveries were made, Chemistry joined itself to its sister Science, Physics, and the two henceforth advanced hand-in-hand. Astounding discoveries had likewise been made in Biology and Medicine, with the result that diseases had been almost rooted out, and the average length of human life extended to over a hundred years, for no one hardly ever died except from an accident or the effects of old age. The human race was being gradually improved, both physically and mentally, and this, again, reacted on and quickened the progress of scientific discovery, and stimulated the race to still greater exertions.

The progress of science also introduced an enormous improvement into the pro-