Page:Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence - 1909.djvu/226

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Robert the Bruce.
[1307 A.D.-

in such sort that this raid was long afterwards remembered as the "Hership of Buchan."

"Eftir that wele fifty yher
Men menit[1] the herschip[2] of Bouchane."[3]

Buchan made no attempt to protect his lands, but passed south with de Moubray, leaving his unhappy tenants to their fate. Henceforward he made Galloway his peculiar care, of which district he had been appointed warden, while to Sir John de Moubray was committed Annandale, and Carrick to Sir Ingelram de Umfraville.[4] Robert de Umfraville, Earl of Angus, and Sir William de Ros of Hamelake were made by Edward II. his joint Lieutenants and Guardians of Scotland, in place of the Earl of Richmond. They were to have special charge of the district between Berwick and Forth. From the Forth to the Orkneys the command was entrusted to Sir Alexander de Abernethy, Sir Edmund de Hastings, and Sir John FitzMarmaduke. Recapitulation of these details may seem tedious, but it is only on examining them that it becomes apparent how great were the odds against which Robert de Brus had matched

  1. Moaned for.
  2. Devastation.
  3. The Brus, lxx., 6. Barbour is here telling of what was within his own knowledge. People in Aberdeenshire were still talking of the hership of Buchan when he, the Archdeacon of Aberdeen, was writing his poem. The late Lord Salton was of opinion that the battle took place on Christmas Eve, 1307 (The Frasers of Philorth, vol. i., pp. 62, 63, vol. ii., pp. 183-194); but Fordun mentions Ascension Day (May 22, 1308) as the date, and Mr. Bain gives good grounds for his accuracy on this point (Bain, iii., p. xii., note).
  4. Bain, iii., 9.