Page:Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence - 1909.djvu/294

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Robert the Bruce.
[1314 A.D.-

did not leave neither field of Corne undestroyed, nor towne unransacked, nor unfrequented place (were it never so desert) unsearched and unburnt, and consumed to meere ashes the very churches that lay in their way into the bear stones."[1]

The proceedings of the MacDermott party are painted in even blacker colours—

"They pursued Felym (O'Conor) and Mullrony to Letterlong, and to the borders of the mount of Sliew-Gawe, and also to the valley called Gleanfahrowe, where infinite numbers of Cowes, Gerans,[2] and sheep were killed by them. They strip'd Gentlemen,[3] that could make no resistance, of their cloaths to their naked skinns; destroyed and killed without remorse children and little ones of that Journey. There was not seen so much hurt done in those parts before in any man's memory, without proffit to the doers of the harm."[4]

The Earl of Carrick hastened back to the siege of Carrickfergus, and arranged a truce with the garrison till April 13th. But Lord Mandeville, coming to its relief, refused to be bound by this treaty, and a bloody encounter took place in the town, wherein Lord Mandeville was slain on the English side, and Niel Fleming on the Scottish. The garrison agreed to surrender unless relieved before May 31st.

On May 2, 1316, Edward de Brus was crowned King of Ireland.

The day appointed for the capitulation of Carrickfergus having arrived, a party of Scots was sent to take possession. These, however, were treacherously seized and imprisoned, the English commander vowing he meant to defend his castle to the last. In the

  1. Mageoghegan's translation.
  2. Ponies.
  3. Gentlewomen also, according to the Annals of Connaught.
  4. Annals of Clonmacnoise.