Page:Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence - 1909.djvu/316

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Robert the Bruce.
[1316 A.D.-

event not only put an end to the interference of the Scots in Irish affairs, but it reopened the far more pressing question of the succession to the throne of Scotland. Parliament was called together at Scone in December, 1318, and the inheritance was settled on Robert, the only son of Walter the Stewart and the deceased Princess Marjorie, always saving any male issue which the King might have subsequently. The Earl of Moray again was designated guardian in the event of a minority; and, failing him, Douglas. But such guardianship was to cease, on its appearing to the community, or to the greater or wiser part thereof,[1] that the young King was capable of assuming the government.

Some of the other Acts passed by this Parliament proved of lasting effect on the judicial code of Scotland; but those which were chiefly directed at the circumstances of the time were those establishing the liberties of the Church of Scotland (including, of course, benefit of clergy); prescribing armour and weapons to be provided by all men according to their condition;[2] forbidding all trade with England

    prospect of ransom made it ever more desirable to capture, than to kill, eminent persons. Among other Scottish notables slain on this day were Sir John de Soulis, John, brother of Walter the Stewart, and Sir Philip de Moubray, the defender of Stirling. John de Bermingham, the English general, was created Earl of Louth, and was granted £20 a year for his services.

  1. Quoniam communitati regni, vel majori et saniori parti visum. Hailes explains this suggestive phrase as being merely a periphrasis for the majority, on the ground that any other interpretation would be impracticable.
  2. Every lay landowner worth ten pounds in goods was bound, under penalty of forfeiture, to have an acton (leather jacket), a bassi-