Page:Robert the Bruce and the struggle for Scottish independence - 1909.djvu/390

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Robert the Bruce.
[1328 A.D.

removal of "Elizabeth, wife of Robert de Brus," from the Abbey of Barking to Rochester Castle, where she was to have a sufficient chamber and 20s. a week for her expenses. She was to be allowed to take exercise within the castle and the Priory of St. Andrew, at suitable times and under a sure guard, and provision was made for her retinue consisting of three Englishmen and an English woman.[1] After his great defeat she was brought to King Edward at York on July 18th; thence, on October 2d, she was removed with her sister-in-law and daughter to Carlisle for exchange with English prisoners,[2] where £8 was paid for two casks of wine for her use.

From the scanty Scottish Exchequer Rolls it may be gathered that at Cardross she drove in an open carriage and pair,[3] that she possessed a quantity of silver plate,[4] and that the last recorded act of her life was the gift of an ornament—quædam frontalis—to the altar of St. Mary at Dunfermline.[5] The details of her legacies to her personal attendants are not without interest, reflecting, as they do, light upon the manners of a distant day and a simple state of society. Elizabeth de Denton, domicilla (lady in waiting), received £66, 13s. 4d.; among other beneficiaries were the Queen's two grooms, William and Gilbert, each receiving £1, in complementum, as did also Esota, the washerwoman, Alan the chandler, David of the wardrobe, and others.[6]

The Queen of Scots died at Cullen, where the

  1. Bain, iii., 68.
  2. Ibid., 74.
  3. Exchequer Rolls, i. 255.
  4. Ibid., 212.
  5. Ibid., i. 239.
  6. Ibid., 217.