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Besides the Toronto and the Bullfrog there was at elast one other yacht around Toronto, or rather York, in the early "thirties." This was the Dart, a small cutter-rigged craft, owned by the Hon. John Kimsley, R.N. The York Sapper and Miner, of October 25, 1832, has the following advertisement: "For sale, the fast sailing cutter Dart, 22 1-2 tons burden, with or without rigging, sails and other furniture. For particulars enquire of the Hon. John Elmsley."

The Dart was one of the smartest boats of her day, and was built at York by a Mr. Purkis.

Breeze—C. Heath.
Belle—C. Gildersleeve, Kingston.
Navie—Messrs. Edrick and Armstrong.
Prima Donna—S. Muro, J. Hamilton.
Glance—G. Oliver. Cobourg; G. Hawke, Toronto.
Water Lily—Commodore Durie.
Arrow—Mr. Wallace of Cobourg.
Wideawake—J. Elliott Cobourg; R. Standley.
Ripple—Messrs. Jones and Blake.
Foam—Mr. Greene, Mr. Armstrong.
Sea Gull—J. H. Maingay, Hamilton.
Ranavata Monjaca—E. Blake.

Mr. Wm. Armstrong, a well known local artist, has been identified with the Royal Canadian Yacht Club from the beginning furnishes the following list of yachts. It goes back as far as 1850 and extends as far as the time of the well known White Wings:

Iroquois—Captain Strachan. Major Magrath.
Canada(1)—George Cruikshank, Ald. Sherwood.
Hocelaga—Captain Delateur.
Cherokee—Dr. Hodder.
Emerald—Sir H. Dalrymple and officers of the 71st Highland Light Intrantry.

Wave—J. T. Robertson.
Kestrel—J. H. G. Hagarty.
Fairy—T. Regley, J. T. Robertson.
Rivet—Messrs. Dickson, Hamilton, Elmsley et al.
Geraldine—Dr. Hodder.
Coral—J. Matthews.
Sea Gull—Wyatt and Dodge.
Breeze—Dr. Hodder.
Saginaw—A. Cambie.
Mackinaw 3A—W. Armstrong.
Gorilla—Capt. Gifford, Cobourg; R. Standley.
Foam—Anderson Brothers.
Sphinx—Mr. Sampson, Mr. Morgan.
Ida—George Eadie.
Canada (2)—Mr. Carpenter.