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Oh! I can ne'er forget
Robin Adair.


Tune-Whistle o'er the lave o't

To you my merry hearts of gold,
British valour must be told,
Victorious Britain ever bold,
Again we must review, man.
The rebel-tyrant and his train,
Again assembled on the plain,
He thought to make those fields his ain,
The plains of Waterloo, man.

Invincibles, a mighty throng,
Form'd in columns great and strong,
With crouded thousands lin'd along,
I was daring like to view, man.
No doubt he thought himself secure,
From all attacks of every power,
And that he'd conquer o'er and o'er,
The plains of Waterloo, man.

But our hero, whom he never saw,
Defensive lines did quickly draw,
With hardy veterans, heroes a',
And every one a true man.