Page:Rolland - A musical tour through the land of the past.djvu/10

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to-day. Do not demand of them the perfect plenitude of autumn, for these were the capricious and fertile spring. To each his reward! That of the musicians who were the innovators of the first half of the eighteenth century was ample enough, since they prepared the way for Mozart and Beethoven. R.R.


The numerous quotations from Pepys's Diary in the essay upon the genial Carolean amateur are taken from Mr. H. B. Wheatley's admirable edition (in eight volumes, 1913), published by Messrs. G. Bell & Sons. For various reasons, including the absence of references, the far more numerous quotations from the works of Dr. Burney have been re-translated from the French of the version employed by the author. B.M.