Page:Rolland - Two Plays of the French Revolution.djvu/137

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Robespierre [with suppressed fanaticism]. It is our own!

The People [excited]. It's mine!—It's mine!—We offer it to you, Liberty!

Desmoulins. To the devil with our lives! Great happiness must be bought.

Hoche. And we are ready to pay.

Robespierre [as before]. We will pay.

The People [enthusiastically]. We will pay! [The People dance and sing about the little figure of Liberty. Music.]

La Contat. What joy to be one of you! To love and to suffer with you! Give me your hands! Let us dance, and all be brothers! Sing, for this is your festival, Oh, people of Paris!

Marat. My dear people, you have suffered so long, you have struggled so long in silence. So many centuries had to elapse before this hour of joy! Liberty is yours. Guard well your conquest.

Desmoulins [to the People]. And now, finish what you have begun. This Bastille has fallen, but there are others. On to the fight! We must fight against the enemies of truth! Against darkness! Mind will dominate brute force. The past is dead! Death itself is dead!

Hulin [to Julie]. Our Liberty, our light, our love! How small you are now! And how frail! Will you have the strength to resist the tempests that lie ahead? Grow, grow, little plant, straight up, and vigorous, and give happiness to the world with your fragrance of the fields!