Page:Rolland - Two Plays of the French Revolution.djvu/228

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Philippeaux. Pardon from those who seek our death?

Camille [gaily]. We shall appoint Saint-Just schoolmaster at Blérancourt and Robespierre churchwarden at Saint-Omer.

Hérault [with a shrug]. Incorrigible! They are on their way to the guillotine, and they still hope!

Danton. Idiots! To accuse Danton and Desmoulins of conspiring against the Republic! So Barère is a patriot now, and Danton an aristocrat. France won't be humbugged like that for very long! [To one of the Jury.] Do you think we are conspirators? See, he smiles. He doesn't believe it.—Write that he laughed!

Fouquier-Tinville [in the midst of his work]. I beg you to cease your personal conversations. It is against the law.

Danton. Do you dare tell your father how to make children? I was the one who organized this court; I ought to know how to behave in it.

Camille. I am beginning to take pleasure in life again. A moment ago, everything was dark; I felt as if I were already in the grave.

Danton. It isn't that everything is light: you yourself have changed. You didn't loom very large on the horizon.

Camille. I am ashamed of my weakness. My flesh is feeble.

Danton. You're a sly one! You wanted to become an object of sympathy to the women! See that girl there making eyes at you!