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riance with its own principles;—for it maintains its Popes infallible, and its faith unchanged, from the institution of Christianity to the present age. If Papists were bloody, cruel and deceitful, formerly—they say they never change—consequently, if they had power, their oath to extirpate heretics by all means, compels them to use the rack, the scaffold, and the gibbet, again to spread desolation and blood over our now happy land. In one word, if the Pope and his conclave have imbibed the tolerant spirit of the age, why are Jesuits again tolerated and patronized; and the cells of the Inquisition again yawning wide their murderous jaws, to swallow all that is noble and intellectual, and pious, in the degraded land of Spain.

The following pages have been compiled from a larger work, and gives a brief but faithful account, of a few of the Persecutions endured by the Churches of Christ, in different ages of the world.

A Brief and true Account of the Cruelties and Persecutions committed by the Papists, upon the Waldenses and Albigenses, and other Protestants in Piedmont Savoy, and the Valtoline, from the year 1160, to the year 1656.

When, by the just judgment of the Almighty, "all the world wondered after the beast;" and the kings and princes of Christendom, established the authority of the Pope and Church of Rome, appointing to slaughter and destruction such as denied the horrid blashemies and errors maintained by them: it occasioned many good