Page:Roman Manchester (1900) by Charles Roeder.djvu/101

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boulders must have come from some improvised fireplace, just as we see the navvies putting them up now. The botanical specimens extricated from the pit are described separately. In addition it contained bones of domestic animals and cinders. Among the miscellaneous objects I have to name a broken tile, some black-ware with a peculiar metallic glaze, and rather heavy in weight; iron nails, lumps of burnt clay, and a large piece of tanned and dressed goat skin.

Unfortunately no other rubbish-hole has been discovered at Castlefield, although I have carefully searched every place; their rich and varied contents generally adds a large amount of collateral evidence.

List of Mosses

(Named by Messrs. Holt and Thomas Rogers).

Thuidium tamariscinum woods and banks.
,,delicatulum limestone rock in woods.
Hypnum cuspidatum margins of pits, marshes (common).
,,purum shady banks, amongst grass.
,,exanulatum swamps and wet places.
Hylocomium splendens on grassy banks, in woods (common).
,,squarrosum banks and woods (common).
Brachythecium rutabulum on banks, walls, trees, and wet places.
Mnium affine marshy places, shady woods.
Neckera complanata on trunks of trees, walls, &c.
Polytrichum commune on dry heaths and turfy grounds.
Aulacomnion palustre turfy bogs and marshes'.
Sphagnum cymbifolium bogs and turbaries.