Page:Roman Manchester (1900) by Charles Roeder.djvu/33

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hollow, down whose descent a flight of stone steps seems to have been carried, consisting of a series of large, roughly-shaped, white millstone grit blocks[1] in situ, which measured 27 inches by 13 inches, 16 inches by 11 inches, 12 inches by 9 inches. They were placed in the blue marshy soil, at a depth of 62 inches. There I met with some small fossilised bones, burnt bones, decayed wood and rootlets, and a piece of Roman brick at the bottom. After this we have another gravel ridge, 13 feet wide, which is succeeded by another long stretch of a marshy depression, 46 feet wide, extending to the back of the new police station at Worsley Street.

We have thus a longitudinal section of 198 feet, drawn at right angles, from the northern wall.

Summing up again, to make the matter clearer, and substituting fosse for hollow, we have then—

Fosse I. ... 16 feet wide, 4 feet to 5 feet deep.
5 feet, gravel ridge or rampart.
5 feet, rubbish-ditch.
2 feet, gravel ridge.
Fosse II. ... 16 feet.
6 feet, gravel ridge.
Fosse III. ... 22 feet.
4 feet, gravel ridge.
Fosse IV. ... 14 feet, visible part 3 feet to 4 feet deep.
(?) 14 feet, probably carried under Bridgewater Street.
(?) 14 feet, gravel ridge (?), probably carried under Bridgewater Street.
Fosse V. ... 27 feet, flanked with stone steps.
6 feet, gravel ridge.
47 feet, marshy depression.
198 feet.

  1. The section has been photographed, and is in the Reference Library.