Page:Romance of the Rose (Ellis), volume 2.pdf/275

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A lover tricked Then, if it prove some new-lit flame,
To whom, incautiously, the dame,14950
Hath given untimely rendezvous,
She’ll quick determine what to do;
And while she keeps the one close hid,
The later comer will she bid
Welcome in some small chamber near,
And grant the grace he seeks of her,
But let him know he must away
Forthwith, howe’er he beg to stay,
And though with rage and grief he cry,
Boldly to him will she reply:14960
Hence! hence! delay behoveth not,
For I within the house have got
My husband and my cousin kin,
And were you found by them herein,
I swear, by God and Saint Germain,
I ne’er should see your face again;
Another time I’ll gladly make
You welcome till the morning break,
But stay not now, nor hesitate,
My presence all those folk await.14970
The house of him she needs must clear,
For till he goes she’s racked with fear.
And then must she return in haste
To where the other one doth waste
His hour in terror, lest that he
Be dragged forth ignominiously;
And freeing him from where he’s hid,
For consolation doth she bid
Him welcome to her loving arms,
As solace for his past alarms;14980