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But Midwife time at laſt brings Truth to light,
For after Death each Man receives his right.
Then ſleep, brave Hero! till laſt Judgments day
Raiſins to Glory thy twice martyr’d Clay
Romes Malice, and thy Innocence diſplay

Ignoramus: a Song. To the Tune Law lies a bleeding.

  Since Popiſh Plotters,
  Join’d with Bagg-Trotters,
Sham-Plots are made as faſt, as Pots are form’d by Potters,
  Againſt theſe Furies
  There no ſuch Cure is,
As what our Law provides, our True and Loyal Juries.
  The Action and Paction
  That breeds our Diſtraction,
Is ſecretly Contrived by the Popiſh Faction.
  Who ſham us and flam us,
  Trepan us, and damn us,
And then grow enraged when they hear Ignoramus.

  Traytors are rotten,
  Yet not forgotten,
Nor Meal Tub Devices, which never well did cotten.
  At ev’ry Seaſon
  Inventing Treaſon,
And Shams that none believed that had or Senſe or Reaſon