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  Was late Indicted,
  Witnefſes cited,
A Loyal Proteſtant, who ſpight of Rogues was righted,
  Offences commences
  ’Gainſt all mMns Senſes,
’Cauſe the honeſt Jury believed not Evidences.
  They ſham us, and flam us, &c.

  For which a Villain
  Who for ten Shilling
To Hang a Proteſtant ſhall be found very willing.
  Now at this ſeaſon
  And without reaſon,
Shall call the Jury Traytors, and the Law make Treaſon
  In faſhion is paſſion,
  Curſes and Damnation,
How quiet ſhould we be, were Rogues ſent to their ſtation.
  They ſham us, and flam us, &c.

  ’Las what is Conſcience
  Ith’ Jeſuites own Sence,
For the Church one may lie, and forſwear without offence.
  Now what a Lurry,
  Keeps barking Tory,
’Cauſe he is not able the Innocent to whorry!
  Doth wrangle and brangle,
  ’Cauſe he cannot intangle,
Nor bring honeſt Tony to the Block or Triangle.
  They ſham us, and flam us, &c.