Page:Romeo and Juliet, a Comedy by Lopez de Vega. William Griffin, 1770.pdf/19

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DURING the interval between the ſecond and third acts, the father of Juliet has importuned her to conſent to marry the Count: ſhe has undergone violent perſecutions on this account; ſhe has reſiſted as far as ſhe could; but, at length, forſeeing that ſhe muſt yield to force, in a fit of deſpair, ſhe reſolves rather to devote herſelf to death, than betray Romeo.

Full of this idea, ſhe ſends Celia to Aurelio, the prieſt who married them privately. He does not appear on the ſtage, but is frequently mentioned in the courſe of the piece: profound knowledge, a charity always attentive to the wants of the unfortunate, are the out-lines which form his character.

Juliet implores the aſſiſtance of this worthy perſon; and informs him by a note, that if he does not find ſome method to ſave her from the misfortune which ſhe dreads, ſhe will avoid it by a voluntary death.

The commencement of the act ſuppoſes every thing to have paſſed which has been related, and the audience is informed of it with a great deal of addreſs; Juliet and her father appear on the ſtage;
