Page:Romeo and Juliet, a Comedy by Lopez de Vega. William Griffin, 1770.pdf/25

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bitter complaints, when his friend tells him that Juliet is buried.

"Do not diſtract yourſelf," continues Anſelmo coldly, "Juliet is in her tomb, but you ſhall have the pleaſure to ſee her again; know that the poiſon which Aurelio ſent her, was only a liquor prepared on purpoſe to throw her into a lethargic ſleep; he revealed this important ſecret to me himſelf, and by his order I acquaint you with it. You muſt this very day ſet out for Verona, and in the night you ſhall fetch your wife from the diſmal place in which her relations have put her, thinking ſhe was dead."

After this recital, which is drawn out to a great length in the piece, Romeo begins to revive: however, his hope is mixed with uneaſineſs; he is afraid leſt he ſhould arrive too late, or that Juliet awaking ſhould die from the fright; or rather, leſt ſhe ſhould expire in the arms of ſleep. At length he ſets out for Verona; Marino does not take the reſolution to attend him without regret; and as to what Anſelmo tells him, that there are a great number of bodies in the ſepulchre, he maintains reaſonably enough, "that, in his opinion, the dead are bad company; that he has no mind to pay them a viſit, and that he will content himſelf with ſtaying at the door."

It is neceſſary to obſerve here, in order that the reader may not be ſurprized at Romeo's learning
