Page:Romeo and Juliet, a Comedy by Lopez de Vega. William Griffin, 1770.pdf/28

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At laſt Romeo joins his dear wife: their reunion is accompanied with the moſt tender teſtimonies of love and joy: not knowing where to take refuge, they depart happily from Verona, and go to conceal themſelves in a country ſeat which belongs to the father of Juliet; where the ſix laſt ſcenes lie.

Juliet, Romeo, Anſelmo and Marino, are diſguiſed like peaſants; their deſign is to ſtay two or three days in the country ſeat, till they have procured the neceſſary conveniencies to carry them further; but Fortune determines otherways.

Antonio comes to his country ſeat, in order to celebrate there his nuptials with Dorothea; Theobald, father of this young lady, and ſeveral other gentlemen of the Capulet faction, are preſent at the ſolemnity: their arrival obliges Romeo and his company to hide themſelves in different parts of the houſe: the countryman has no ſuſpicion who they really are, and they engage him to ſecrecy by their liberality.

As Juliet is hid in a chamber above that into which her father has retired, ſhe hears him ſpeak, and that nobody is with him; ſhe ſpeaks to him herſelf, as we may ſuppoſe, through a hole, though the author does not take the leaſt notice how: their converſation produces a ſcene which brings on the cataſtrophe of the piece.