Page:Romeo and Juliet (1917) Yale.djvu/148

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The Tragedy of

I. i. 133–4 Cr. has the single line from Q1: That most are busied when they're most alone

196 made: rais'd

198 loving: lovers'

ii. 29 fennel: female Q1Ff2–4

iii. 52 it: its, Ff3, 4

iv. 45 light lights; lights, lights, Qq2–5, Ff: like lamps

59 over: athwart

62 her: the

63 her: the

82 he dreams: dreams he

v. 135 here: there

II. i. Prol. 10 use: us'd (misprint?)

3 Romeo! Romeo!: Romeo!

13 Abraham: Adam, Steevens

ii. 31 puffing: pacing

39 thyself, though: thyself though,

48 thy: that

58 yet not: not yet

59 thy: that

84 should: would

107 vow: swear

168 By: At

178 That: Who

iii. 15 plants, herbs: herbs, plants

27 kings: foes

40 with: by

66 that: whom

74 yet ring: ring yet

85 chide me not; her I: chide not; she whom I

88 that: and

iv. 6 to: of

14 run: shot

43 was: was but

67 Sure wit: well said

77 our: thy

78 am: have

111 Given to Mercutio

112 Given to Benvolio

174 bid: bade

176 in: into

vi. 23 is: are, Rowe

III. i. 65 love: hate

119 cousin: kinsman

ii. 5–6 night, That runaways': night! That runaway's