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Rom. Bid[E 1] her devise
Some means to come to shrift this afternoon;[C 1]
And there she shall at Friar Laurence'[C 2] cell
Be shrived and married. Here is for thy pains.200
Nurse. No, truly, sir; not a penny.
Rom. Go to; I say you shall.
Nurse. This afternoon, sir? well, she shall be there.
Rom. And stay,[C 3] good nurse;[E 2] behind the abbey-wall[C 4]
Within this hour my man shall be with thee,205
And bring thee cords made like a tackled stair;[E 3]
Which to the high top-gallant[E 4] of my joy
Must be my convoy in the secret night.
Farewell; be trusty, and I'll quit[C 5] thy pains;
Farewell; commend me to thy mistress.[E 5]210
Nurse. Now God in heaven bless thee! Hark you, sir.
Rom. What say'st thou, my dear nurse?
Nurse. Is your man secret? Did you ne'er hear say,
Two may keep counsel, putting one away?[C 6][E 6]
  1. 197, 198. Bid … afternoon] Delius; two lines ending shrift and afternoon Capell; one line Q, F; prose Qq 4, 5.
  2. 199. Laurence'] Pope; Lawrence Q, F.
  3. 204. stay] Q, stay thou F;
  4. nurse; … wall] Grant White; nurse … wall, Q, F; nurse, … wall: Pope and many editors.
  5. 209. quit] Q, quite F.
  6. 213, 214. Is … away?] verse Rowe; prose Q, F.
  1. 197. Bid] Hudson very ingeniously emends:

    "Bid her devise some means to come to shrift
    This afternoon at Friar Laurence' cell;
    And there she shall be shrived and married. Here
    Is for thy pains."

  2. 204. nurse;] The pointing is G. White's; Romeo cannot wish to delay the Nurse on her return to Juliet. See Scene v. 76, 77.
  3. 206. stair] series of steps, as in Paradise Lost, iii. 540.
  4. 207. high top-gallant] Steevens quotes Markham, English Arcadia, 1607: "the high top-gallant of his valour." Top-gallant masts, small masts fixed to the heads of the main and fore top-masts.
  5. 210. mistress] frequently a tri-syllable. See Walker, Shakespeare's Versification, p. 47.
  6. 214. Two … away] So Titus Andronicus, iv. ii. 144: "Two may