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Nurse. Even so lies she,
Blubbering[E 1] and weeping, weeping and blubbering.
Stand up, stand up; stand, an[C 1] you be a man:
For Juliet's sake, for her sake, rise and stand;
Why should you fall into so deep an O?[C 2][E 2]90
Rom. Nurse!
Nurse. Ah sir! ah sir! Well, death's[C 3] the end of all.
Rom. Spakest[C 4] thou of Juliet? how is it with her?
Doth she not[C 5] think me an old murderer,
Now I have stain'd the childhood of our joy95
With blood removed but little from her own?
Where is she? and how doth she? and what says
My conceal'd[E 3] lady to our cancell'd[C 6] love?
Nurse. O, she says nothing, sir, but weeps and weeps;
And now falls on her bed; and then starts up,100
And Tybalt calls; and then on Romeo cries,[C 7]
And then down falls again.
Rom. As if that name,
Shot from the deadly[C 8] level[E 4] of a gun,
  1. 88. an] Rowe; and Q, F.
  2. 90. O?] Q, O. F.
  3. 92. Well, death's] Q I; deaths Q, F.
  4. 93. Spakest] Q, Speak'st, F.
  5. 94. she not] Q 1; not she Q, F.
  6. 98. our cancell'd] Q 1, Q; our conceal'd F.
  7. 101. calls … cries] Q, F; cries … calls Q 1.
  8. 103. deadly] Q, dead, F.

    ing correspondence or similarity of suffering, as in Titus Andronicus, III. i. 148, seems also to be out of the compass of the Nurse's vocabulary. Delius and Daniel, however, assign the words, with Q, F, to the Nurse.

  1. 87. Blubbering] The suggestion of ridicule was not necessarily connected with this word, as used by Elizabethan writers; it occurs only here in the text of Shakespeare.
  2. 90. an O] Hanmer, followed by Johnson, reads "deep an— Rom. Oh Nurse." O seems here to mean an exclamation of sorrow. Collier (MS.) adds a stage-direction "Romeo groans."
  3. 98. conceal'd] My lady, though that she is so is concealed from the world.
  4. 103. level] range, line of aim, as in Sonnets, cxvii. 11: "Bring me within the level of your frown, But shoot not at me in your waken'd hate."