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Our wedding cheer to a sad burial feast,
Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges[E 1] change,
Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse,
And all things change them to the contrary.90

Fri. Sir, go you in; and, madam, go with him;
And go, Sir Paris; every one prepare
To follow this fair corse unto her grave.
The heavens do lour upon you for some ill;
Move them no more by crossing their high will.95

[Exeunt Capulet, Lady Capulet, Paris, and Friar.[C 1][E 2]

First Mus.[C 2] Faith, we may put up our pipes,[E 3] and be gone.
Nurse. Honest good fellows, ah, put up, put up;
For, well you know, this is a pitiful case.[E 4][Exit.[C 3]
First Mus.[C 4] Ay, by my troth, the case may be amended.

Enter Peter.[E 5]

Peter. Musicians, O, musicians, "Heart's ease,[E 6]100
  1. 95. Exeunt …] Theobald, Exeunt manet Q, Exeunt manent Musici Q 4, Exeunt F.
  2. 96. First Mus.] Capell, Musi. Q, Mu. F.
  3. 98. Exit] Theobald.
  4. 99. First Mus.] Capell, Fid. Q, Mu. F.
  1. 88. dirges] The transposing of all things from wedding to funeral uses is described in Brooke's poem—"And Hymen to a dirge," etc.
  2. 95. Exeunt …] Q i has the stage-direction, "They all but the Nurse goe foorth, casting Rosemary on her and shutting the Curtens. Enter Musitions."
  3. 96. pipes] "To put up pipes" was also used figuratively; "Poor mens' children may put up their pipes for being gentils in their day"—Blazon of Gentry, Part I.
  4. 99. case] The play on case, state of things, and case, cover, occurs again in Winter's Tale, IV. iv. 844, where by case the Clown means his skin: "though my case be a pitiful one, I hope I shall not be flayed out of it."
  5. 99. Enter Peter] So Qq 4, 5, Ff; Qq 2, 3, "Enter Will Kemp"; Q 1, "Enter Servingman." Kemp, the successor of Tarlton in comic parts, played Peter. In both Q 1600 and F his name is prefixed to speeches of Dogberry in Much Ado. Before Peter's entrance Qq 2–5 have Exit (or Exeunt) omnes.
  6. 100. "Heart's ease"] A tune mentioned in Misogonus, a play