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SC. V.

SCENE V.The Same. A Hall in Capulet's House.

Musicians waiting. Enter Servingmen with napkins.

First Serv.[C 1][E 1] Where's Potpan, that he helps not to
take away? He shift a trencher![E 2] he scrape
a trencher!
Second Serv. When good manners shall lie all[C 2] in
one or two men's hands, and they unwashed 5
too, 'tis a foul thing.
First Serv. Away with the joint-stools[E 3], remove the
court-cupboard[E 4], look to the plate. Good
thou, save me a piece of marchpane[E 5]; and,
as thou lovest[C 3] me, let the porter let in 10
Susan Grindstone and Nell.[C 4]—Antony! and
Third Serv.[E 6] Ay, boy, ready.
First Serv. You are looked for and called for,
  1. 1, 7, 14. First Serv.] Ser. Q, F. In line 4 Sec. Serv. is marked 1 Q, F; line 13 is marked 2 Q, F. In line 17 Fourth Serv. is 3 Qq 1, Ff.
  2. 4. all] Q, omitted F.
  3. 10. lovest] F, loves Q.
  4. 11. Nell.] Theobald; Nell, Q, F.
  1. 1. First Serv.] I distribute the speeches as I think is intended in Q. I suppose Third Serv., to be the much needed Potpan and Fourth Serv. to be Antony. F perhaps economised actors by reducing the speakers to three. Dyce effected the reduction to two, and reads in 11,12 Antony Potpan!
  2. 2. shift a trencher!] Potpan is too proud for such work.
  3. 7. joint-stools] a stool made with jointed parts. The three-legged stool is so named in Cowper's The Task (opening of B. i.).
  4. 8. court-cupboard] a sideboard or cabinet, used to display plate. So Chapman, Mons. D'Olive: "Here shall stand my court cupboard with its furniture of plate."
  5. 9. marchpane] a kind of almond cake. See Nares' Glossary for a receipt (1608), and for many examples of the word.
  6. 13. Third Serv.] I suppose that Third and Fourth Servants (Antony and Potpan?) enter here.