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SC. I]

SCENE I.Verona. A lane[C 1][E 1] by the wall of Capulet's orchard.

Enter Romeo.

Rom. Can I go forward when my heart is here?
Turn back, dull earth,[E 2] and find thy centre out.

[He climbs[C 2] the wall, and leaps down within it.

Enter Benvolio and Mercutio.

Ben. Romeo! my cousin Romeo! Romeo![C 3]
Mer. He is wise;
And, on my life, hath stol'n him home to bed.
Ben. He ran this way, and leap'd this orchard wall: 5
Call, good Mercutio.
Mer. Nay,[C 4] I'll conjure[E 3] too.—
Romeo![C 5] humours! madman! passion! lover![C 6][E 4]
Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh:
Speak but one rhyme and I am satisfied;
Cry[C 7] but "Ay me!"[E 5] pronounce[C 8][E 6] but "love" and "dove"[C 9];10
  1. A lane …] Camb. editors.
  2. 2. He climbs …] Steevens.
  3. 3. Romeo! Romeo!] Q, F; Romeo Q 1.
  4. 6. Nay … too] given to Mercutio Q 1, Qq 4, 5; continued to Benvolio Q, Q 3, Ff.
  5. 7. Romeo] Qq 4, 5; Mer. Romeo Q, Q 3, Ff
  6. passion! lover!] passion lover Q (commas in F).
  7. 10. Cry] Q, Cry me F
  8. pronounce] Q 1, Qq 4, 5; provaunt Q; provant F
  9. dove] Q 1; day Q, F; die Qq 4, 5.
  1. A lane …] Perhaps some stage furniture representing a wall was introduced, which, as Daniel suggests, may have been withdrawn, when Mercutio and Benvolio depart.
  2. 2. earth] body. So Sonnets, cxlvi., "Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth." Ff 2–4 read my centre.
  3. 6. conjure] Accented on first syllable as here in Midsummer-Night's Dream, III. ii. 158.
  4. 7.] Singer (ed. 2) reads Humour's-madman! Passion-lover; Daniel humorous madman! passionate lover!
  5. 10. Ay me] as in Spenser, Virgil's Gnat, 353, "Ay me, that thankes so much should faile of meed." Corrupted in F 2 to ayme. Theobald and others Ah me!
  6. 10. pronounce] F 2 alters the provant of F to couply, whence