Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/17

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in them, the Treaſury made conſiderable augmentations thereto, ſufficient to place the officers in ſituations of reaſonable competency. That was done with double profit to the public; as the revenue was not only benefited by the officers being rendered independent of the traders, but, by a reduction of the expence of management, ſeven hundred and ſixty-five officers having been then reduced; which effected an annual ſaving, after allowing for the augmentation of ſalaries to thoſe remaining, to the amount of 12,345l. But no abatement is made for that arrangement here, it being included in the general ſtatement of the Exciſe revenue under that head.

From this time to 1798 no reduction of any conſequence took place; but in that year when the duty on ſalt was doubled, it occurred to Mr. Pitt that the revenue on that article might be better collected, and a conſiderable ſaving effected to the public, by the management of it being transferred to the Exciſe; which was done accordingly[1], and the Salt Board with the whole eſtabliſhment under it

  1. 38 Geo. III. c. 89.
