Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/28

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aſcertain; there are ſo many varying circumſtances as to have defeated the utmoſt endeavour that has been uſed for the purpoſe; but the inveſtigation which has taken place, at the expence of much labor in the offices, leads to a perſuaſion that the author was under a miſtake, when he expreſſed an opinion in a former publication that the barrack ſyſtem was one of œconomy; he fell into the error from a ſtatement of the late Barrack MaſterGeneral, who moſt aſuredly thought it was a corred one when it was made; or he would not have allowed it to go out to the world under the ſanction of his authority. The eſtabliftiment is very large and very expenſive, much exceeding any conjecture the author had formed on the ſubject,

The three Commiſſioners and Secretary 3,900
Three Inſpectors General, eleven Aſſiſant Inſpectors General, one Inſpector of Stores, one Inſpector of Returns, one Accountant and Aſſiſtant 7,900
Two Architects and Surveyors, one Checking Clerk, two Aſſiſtant Surveyors, and one Law Clerk 1,697
  00,000— — —
Total of the Board and Officers in London, excluſive of Clerks   £13,497