Page:Rose 1810 Observations respecting the public expenditure and the influence of the Crown.djvu/46

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ſeſors of which were uſually in parliament; and when the meaſure was adopted, the numbers following were actually in one or the other houſe; viz.

  Houſe of
Houſe of
Board of Trade 1 1
Paymaſter of Penſions 1  
Lords of Police, Scotland 4 1
Jewel Office 1 1
Great Wardrobe 1 1
Treaſurer of the Chamber   2
Cofferer of the Houſehold   2
Clerks of the Green Cloth   6
Board of Works   3
Maſter of the Harriers 1  
Maſter of the Fox Hounds   1
  00— — — 00— — —
  9 23
To theſe ſhould be added eleven members of the Houſe of Commons who held beneficial contracts under the Treaſury[1], and four under the Ordnance and Navy Boards ; ſome with the three Boards 15
    00— — —
    00— — —

There are, therefore, nine peers, and thirty-ſeven members of the Houſe of Commons, under direct influence, leſs than there were in 1783, in conſequence of legiſlative proviſions. If the admi-

  1. Taken from liſts preſented to the Houſe of Commons in April 1782; and preſerved among the papers of that ſeſſion.
