Page:Rossetti papers, 1862 to 1870 (1903).djvu/584

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Venice Accademia, 315
Vemet, Horace, 427
Verneuil, Marquise de, 262, 263
Vernon, Lord, 3, 178, 183, 288, 448,
, 480, 510
Verona, 57, 58, 120, 122, 216, 308, 313,
, 438
Vespasian, 199
Via deir Ascensione, Naples, 190
Vicenza, 57
Vichy, 407
Victor Emanuel II., 56, 115, 116, 117,
, 199, 208, 249, 289, 310, 311,
Victoria and Albert Museum, 4, 8, 139,
, 276, 277, 278, 318, 346, 347,
, 408, 458, 500, 503, 505
Victory (Grecian Bronze), 119
Vie dei Fiori Chiari ed Oscuri, Milan,
Vieusseux, 182, 183
Villa Franca, 204, 208
Villa Pallavicini, Genoa, 192
Villa Reale, Naples, 188
Villari, Pasquale, 343, 509
Vinci, Leonardo da, 316, 392, 481, 525
Fight for the Standard by, 481, 482
Last Supper by, 482
Virgin and Child by, 389
Violet (Romance), 461, 462
Virgil, 258
The Æneid by, 258
Virgil (Thornton's), 20
Virgilii, Pasquale de', 217, 218
Nicolb de' Rienzj by, 218
Viviani, Emilia, 402, 447, 452, 502
Vokins, 47, 59, 60
Voltaire, 317, 337
Walker Art-Gallery, Liverpool, 486
Wallenstadt, Lake of, 124
Waller (Fleet St.), 411, 413
Wallington, Northumberland, 207
Wallis, Henry, 407, 503
Return from Marston Moor by, 139
Wallisellen, 124
Wansbeck (steamer), 28
Ward, Artemus, 227
Ward, Harry, 339, 380
Warden, The (house), 237
Warwick, 326
Washington (D. C), 180, 358, 403
Washington Star, "The, 355
Water-colour Society, 224, 253, 395
Waterford, Lady, 199
Watson, J. D., 243
Watt, 448
Watteau, 232, 392
Wedding Procession by, 392
Watts, George F., 202, 224
Clytie by, 322, 403
Daphne by, 403
Endymion by, 403
Millais, portrait, by, 403
Watts, T. E., 325
Waugh, Gledstanes, 261
Waugh, Mr, 301
Waugh, Mrs, 225
Webb, Philip, 5, 231, 246, 276, 277,
, 280, 346, 347
Webster's English Dictionary, 275
Weekes, 514
Shelley Monument by, 514
Wellington, The (Club), 243
Wells, H. T., 494
Westness, Thomas, 508
Whistler, J. M„ ix., 14, 130, 196, 222,
228, 229, 233, 234, 235, 245, 246,
257, 303, 306, 3l9i 320, 495
Portrait of himself by, 222
Princesse du Palais de Porcelaine by,
Symphony in White, No. 3, by, 228 L
Whistler, Mrs, 320 P
Whistler, Wm., 235, 245 j
Whitman, Walt, ix., x., 181, 231, 24^
, 244, 245, 270, 283, 297, 32g «>
. 351, 355, 357, 358, 359, ^ '
, 403,* 404, 41 8, 459, 460, 492f
iai. w?. w8./fiQ.ifi2o ,->i_i
Carol of Harvest^^27S'
Democracy by, 284, 287
Drum-taps by, 181, 357
Leaves of Grass by, ix., x., 181, 230,
275, 283, 284, 286, 287, 340, 343,
356, 357, 363, 364, 365, 403,
459, 476, 497, 507, 509
Lincoln's Funeral-hymn by, 284
O Captain, my Captain, by, 181
Selection from, by W. M. Rossetti,
ix., 239, 240, 241, 243 to 246,
274, 283, 285, 297, 306, 320, 351,
356, 363, 497, 509, 516, 518
Walt Whitman by, 343
Wick low. Earl of, 98
Wierus, 485
Wigand, 223
, Wilberforce, 80
Wilding, Alexa, 95, 244
Wilding, Mrs, 95
Wilkinson, Dr, 170, 368, 369
Improvisations of the Spirit by, 1 70