Page:Roster of General Officers (1872) by Charles C Jones Jr.djvu/52

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  Name. State. To Whom to Report. Appoint. Rank. Confirm. Accept.
361 Roberts, Wm. P. N. Carolina Gen. R. E. Lee Feb. 21, 1865. Feb. 21, 1865.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Assigned to command of Dearing's old brigade, Army of Northern Virginia.
362 Robertson, B. H. Virginia Gen. T. J. Jackson June  9, 1862. June  9, 1862. Sept. 30, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 2d, 6th, 7th and 11th Virginia regiments and the 16th Virginia battalion, Colonel Funsten.
363 Robertson, E. S. C. Texas  . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigadier-General of Texas State forces; commanding the 27th brigade; on staff duty with General H. E. McCulloch.
364 Robertson, F. H. Texas Gen. J. B. Hood July 26, 1864. July 26, 1864.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Assigned to command of a brigade composed of the 8th and 11th Texas and the 4th Tennessee regiments cavalry.
365 Robertson, J. B. Texas Gen. T. J. Jackson Nov.   1, 1862. Nov.   1, 1862. Apl. 22, 1863.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 1st, 4th and 5th Texas and the 3d Arkansas regiments, Hood's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
366 Roddy, P. D. Alabama Gen. B. Bragg Aug.   3, 1863. Aug.   3, 1863. Jan. 25, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Commanded brigade in Forrest's cavalry.
367 Rodes, R. E. Alabama Gen. J. E. Johnston Oct. 21, 1861. Oct. 21, 1861. Dec. 13, 1861.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General May 2, 1863; brigade composed of the 3d, 5th, 6th, 12th, 26th and 61st Alabama regiments infantry, D. H. Hill's division, Jackson's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
368 Ross, L. S. Texas Gen. J. E. Johnston Oct. 21, 1861. Oct. 21, 1861. Feb.   5, 1864  . . . . . 
369 Ross, Reuben R.  . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Commanded Hume's cavalry brigade, Wheeler's corps.
370 Rosser, Thos. L. Texas Gen. R. E. Lee Oct. 10, 1863. Sept. 28, 1863. Feb. 17, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Promoted Major-General 1864; brigade composed of the 7th, 11th and 12th regiments Virginia cavalry and the 25th battalion Virginia cavalry, Army of Northern Virginia.
371 Rucker, E. W.  . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Commanded brigade in General Forrest's cavalry, composed of the 7th, 12th, 14th and 15th Tennessee regiments, Forrest's old regiment and the 7th Alabama and 5th Mississippi regiments.
372 Ruggles, Dan'l. Virginia  . . . . .  Aug.   9, 1861. Aug.   9, 1861. Aug.   9, 1861,
Feb. 17, 1864.
 . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade consisted of the 9th Mississippi, 10th Mississippi, 1st Alabama and 7th Alabama regiments, Villipigue's battalion, the Quitman Artillery and the Vicksburg Artillery; subsequently in command of other brigades.
373 Russell, W. W.  . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Commanding 2d brigade, General W. T. Martin's cavalry division.
374 Rust, Albert Arkansas Gen. Van Dorn Mch.   6, 1862. Mch.   4, 1862. Mch.   6, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the Arkansas infantry regiments of Colonels Carrol, King and Snead, the Arkansas infantry battalions of Colonels McCarver, Lemoyne and Jones, and a Light Battery; attached to Major-General Samuel Jones' division, Army of the West.
375 Saunders, J. C. C. Alabama Gen. R. E. Lee June  7, 1864. May  31, 1864. June  7, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Killed in action below Petersburg, Virginia, August 21, 1864; brigade composed of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 14th Alabama regiments.
376 Scales, Alfred M. N. Carolina Gen. R. E. Lee June 15, 1863. June 13, 1863. Feb. 16, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 13th, 16th, 22d, 32d and 38th regiments North Carolina infantry (formerly Pender's brigade), Army of Northern Virginia.
377 Scott, Thomas M. Louisiana Lt. Gen. L. Polk Mch.   7, 1864. Mch.   1, 1864. May  24, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 12th Louisiana, the 27th, 35th, 49th, 55th and 57th Alabama regiments; the 3d, 7th and 8th Kentucky regiments were detached from this brigade, and mounted.
378 Scurry, W. R. Texas Gen. T. H. Holmes Sept. 26, 1862. Sept. 12, 1862. Sept. 27, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Killed at Jenkins' Ferry.
379 Sears, C. W. Mississippi Lt. Gen. L. Polk Mch. 7, 1864. Mch. 1, 1864. May 11, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 4th, 35th, 36th, 39th and 46th Mississippi regiments and the 7th Mississippi battalion.
380 Semmes, Paul J. Georgia Gen. J. E. Johnston Mch. 18, 1862. Mch. 11, 1862. Mch. 18, 1862.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Died of wounds received at Sharpsburg; brigade composed of the 10th, 50th. 51st and 53d Georgia regiments, McLaw's division, Longstreet's corps, Army of Northern Virginia.
381 Sharp, J. H. Mississippi Gen. J. B. Hood July 26, 1864. July 26, 1864.  . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Brigade composed of the 1st Mississippi battalion Sharpshooters and the 7th, 9th, 10th, 41st and 44th Mississippi regiments infantry, Hindman's division, Polk's corps, Army of Tennessee.
382 Shelby, J. O. Missouri Gen. E. K. Smith Feb.   5, 1864. Dec. 15, 1863. Feb.   5, 1864.  . . . . . 
Remarks: Commanded brigade in General Price's army.
383 Shelley, Charles M. Alabama  . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Commanded brigade in Walthall's division, Stewart's corps, Army of Tennessee, composed of the 17th, 26th and 29th Alabama regiments and the 37th Mississippi regiment.
384 Shingler, Wm. P. S. Carolina  . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . .   . . . . . 
Remarks: Acting Brigadier-General.