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Slightly earlier, in 2015, Renaissance Restoration had won a large contract in the city of Sergiyev Posad to plan and carry out the reconstruction of the Abramtsevo museum and estate, which was the site of an important artists' colony in the 19th century. The contract paid a total of 78.8 million rubles ($1.2 million). Around the same time, Renaissance was named the primary restoration company for the Novgorod Kremlin, earning the company 205 million rubles ($3.2 million). Apart from its Culture Ministry contracts, Renaissance Restoration also regularly wins contests for restoration projects from the Hermitage Museum, the Peterhof museum and estate, and the Foundation for Investment and Construction Projects, which places construction orders with partial funding from the World Bank. Between 2015 and 2018, Renaissance Restoration won contracts for building renovations that totaled more than eight billion rubles ($123.5 million).

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The restoration of the Stone Flower Fountain. March 2019
Andrey Nikerichev / 'Moscow' city news agency

Those big contracts were accompanied by big scandals. In 2017, the company's office was searched as part of an embezzlement investigation surrounding restoration work on a 16th-century fortress in Leningrad Oblast. The company