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PEIK. There was once on a time a man and a woman ; they had a son and a daughter who were twins, and they were so like each other that you could not tell the one from the other, except by their clothes. The boy they called Peik. He was of little use on the farm while the parents lived, for he did not care for anything else but playing tricks upon people, and he was so full of tricks and pranks, that no one was left in peace for him. But when the parents died he grew worse and worse, — he would not do anything ; he only did his best to make an end of what there was left after them, and to quarrel with everybody. The sister worked and toiled all she could, but it was of little help, and so she told him how wrong it was that he would not do anything useful, and asked him :

    • What do you think we shall live upon, when you have finished

everything ? " " Oh, ril go and play a trick upon somebody," said Peik. "Yes, you are always ready and willing when you are bent upon that," said his sister. " Well, ril try my best," said Peik. So when he had made an end of everything, and there was nothing more in the house, he set out on his journey, and walked and walked till he came to the king's palace. The king was standing at the door, and when he saw the lad he said :

  • ' Where are you off to to-day, Peik ? "

" Oh, I am off to see if I cannot play a trick upon somebody/* said Peik.