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The Giant who had no Heart.

how fond I am of you," said the princess ; " I couldn't help doing it, when I knew your heart was there." — " How can you be so foolish to believe it ? " said the giant. — " Well, how can I help be- lieving it when you say so ? " answered the princess. — " Oh, you are a foolish creature," said the giant. "you can never go where my heart is;" — "Ah, well," said the prin- cess, " but 1 should like to know for all that where it is." — So the giant could not refuse to tell her any longer, and he said : " Far, far away in a lake lies an island, — on that island stands a church, — in that church there is a well,^ in that well swims a duck, — in that duck there is an e^, — and in the egg — well, there is my heart." Early next morning, almost be- fore the dawn of day, the giant set out for the wood again. " Well, I suppose I had better start as well," said Ashiepattle ; " I wish I only knew the way ! " He said larewell to the princess for a time, and when he came outside the castle there was the wolf still wait- ia^ for him. He told the wolf what had happened inside, and that he was now going to set out for the well in the church, if he only knew the way. The wolf asked him to jump on his back, — he would try and find the way, sure enough, he said, and away they went over hills and mountains, over fields and valleys, while the wind whistled about them. When