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cannon, did you?" asked Randolph Rover, nervously.

"Nothing but powder and paper, Uncle," answered Sam.

"That ain't so!" suddenly shouted Jack Ness. "By gum! You hit the bee hive, an' here come the bees! Gee, shoo! Git out! Oh, my! I'm stung!" And he started to run from the orchard.

The boys stared for a moment. Down in the orchard was the hive which their uncle had set apart from the others. It seemed to be torn at the top, and a swarm of angry bees were flying around. Part of the swarm had made for Jack Ness, and now the hired man was running for his life.

"Why, I don't see how we hit the hive——" commenced Dick, when a yell from Sam interrupted him.

"The bees! The bees! Some of 'em are head ing this way!"

"Hi! hi! don't let 'em fly away!" screamed Randolph Rover. "They are very valuable! Stop them! Make them go back in the hive!"

"Excuse me from touching any bees!" murmured Tom. "I'm going to get out of here!" And he started to run.

"Don't go to the house!" cried Dick. "We