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large one," said Tom, who had come up to learn the cause of the excitement in the kitchen.

"It wasn't—it was quite small. My sister sent it to me from Chicago, for a birthday present"

"What did you have in it?" asked Sam anxiously.

"I had four dollars in it in bills, and ten of those new shiny cents, and a ten-cent piece, and a sample of dress goods, and a slip of paper with a new way on it to make grape jelly, and some pills for the headache, and a motto verse, and—and I don't know what else."

"Well, that's enough," came from Tom. "No wonder the bees kicked at having all that fired at 'em."

"I'll give you back the money, Sarah, and get you a new pocketbook," said Sam. "I'm awfully sorry it happened."

"Let's look for the pocketbook," suggested Dick, and this was done, the boys taking good care, while on the search, to keep out of the range of the bees. All they could find in the orchard were two of the cent pieces and part of the metal clasp of the pocketbook the rest had disappeared.

"Well, let us be thankful that we didn't blow the cannon apart, or hit somebody with that charge," said Dick.