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Several, days passed and during that time the lads amused themselves hugely, hunting, fishing, swimming and knocking around generally. Once they had a snake scare. The reptile got in the tent and held possession for nearly an hour, when Dick dislodged it with a stick and Sam ended its life with a stone.

"Say, I ton't like dot!" cried Hans, when the excitement was at an end.

"I don't believe any of us do," answered Dick, dryly.

"I'll be almost afraid to sleep in the tent to night," added Fred, with a shiver.

"Oh, I guess there was only one snake," said Sam. "But we can look around for more." Which they did, in as thorough a manner as possible. But no more reptiles were brought to light.

On Saturday it rained and the rain kept up all day Sunday. This was not so nice, and the boys remained under shelter most of the time.