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"I know where she is," put in Larry Dixon, as Captain Wells hesitated in thought. "The lobster catchers used to have a hangout there."

"Where is it?" asked Captain Wells, and the old tar described its location as well as he could.

"Reckon I could pick it up, from what the man says," said the captain of the tug, to Dick.

"All right then," answered the eldest Rover. He turned again to the captain of the schooner. "Now listen to me. I know you and I know your boat. If you have told me the exact truth, well and good. If you haven't—well, you'll have to take the consequences, that's all."

"I didn't abduct nobody. I only did a job and got paid for it," muttered the captain.

"Where are you boumd?"


"And after that?"

"Going to—er—take a load of lumber down to Newark, New Jersey."

"Very well—then we'll know where to locate you. Come on!" added Dick to his brothers.

"You can rely on me," said the captain, and spoke quite respectfully. "I'll tell all I know, and so will my men."

"Hello, Jack!" cried Larry Dixon to a sailor on the schooner, and the fellow addressed waved his hand.