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"Say, don't you want me along?" asked Larry Dixon. "I'd like a scrap, if it comes to that."

"Come along if yon want to," answered Dick. He saw that though the sailor was old he was strong, and not afraid to take his own part.

The boys and the tar lost no time in jumping from one rock to another until the main portion af the island was gained. Then they ran for the shelter of some bushes. In the meantime the steam tug moved away to such a distance that those aboard could be seen with difficulty.

"Now, if the others didn't see us land, we are all right," cried Tom.

"We don't want to make any noise," cautioned Dick. "Remember, they may be on the watch for us—Koswell and his cronies, and the Sobber crowd too."

"Do you think Koswell and Larkspur would give aid to those other rascals?" asked Sam.

"I think they'd do almost anything to make trouble for us, Sam. You can see how bitter they acted at the dock."

With caution the party of four began a tour of the island. They moved from the shelter of the bushes to a thicket of pines, and then climbed along a ridge of rough rocks.

"I'll crawl to the top," said Dick. "Then I'll have a pretty good chance to look around."